About us

Urban Sketchers Eskilstuna är en samling glada människor
som gillar att teckna.
Tisdagar vid lunchtid (oftast) tecknar/målar/ritar vi någon plats i Eskilstuna. Sedan fikar vi.

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Best regards,
Eskilstuna Urban Sketchers

tisdag 16 september 2014


Our beloved town square is under construction. Still.
However, this October it will all be finished. In the mean time, we sketched the work in progress. The weather is nice again and we are all very happy, in spite of the result of the election last sunday.

Well, here are todays results:




Björn's. The construction workers were gone for lunch, but the mysterious machine 
was still there. I wonder what it is used for, are they drilling for oil?


Action photo!

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