About us

Urban Sketchers Eskilstuna är en samling glada människor
som gillar att teckna.
Tisdagar vid lunchtid (oftast) tecknar/målar/ritar vi någon plats i Eskilstuna. Sedan fikar vi.

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Want to join us? Send an email to bjorn.fundberg@mdh.se to get more information!

Best regards,
Eskilstuna Urban Sketchers

tisdag 22 november 2016

Eskilstuna Ölkultur!

Probably the best sketching place in the world?
And also, the best beer!
(Micro brewery in Eskilstuna!)


tisdag 15 november 2016

tisdag 8 november 2016

Munktell Science Park!

Snowy and cold today! Luckily we were able to go inside MSP (Munktell Science Park) for today's sketching session!