About us

Urban Sketchers Eskilstuna är en samling glada människor
som gillar att teckna.
Tisdagar vid lunchtid (oftast) tecknar/målar/ritar vi någon plats i Eskilstuna. Sedan fikar vi.

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Want to join us? Send an email to bjorn.fundberg@mdh.se to get more information!

Best regards,
Eskilstuna Urban Sketchers

tisdag 28 oktober 2014

Wonderful lunch music in the Kloster church!

Tuesday again! We went to one of our nearby churches. We have some of them. 
Almost every tuesday, live music is offered in the church. Today, Malin Jörtsö Larsson was singing and playing the piano! She was really great! (thanks!)

Here are today's sketches!



Björn's 1 (2)
These are not the background dancers!

Björn's 2 (2)

This is Malin at the piano! 

Emma's! 1 (2)

Emma 2 (2)


Vera's sketch

Henke's photos!

Thanks for visiting!

tisdag 21 oktober 2014

The Svea plan (Sveaplan)

The weather is lousy; we went inside yet another USK-meeting.
This time, in (yet another) shopping centre, Sveaplan.

By coincidence, we stumbled upon a new café. What luck!

Here are today's sketches!



Björn's (the counter desk of the grocery store, a local character included)


(from a prior meeting)


Action photos!

Sven at work!

The counter desk of the grocery store (Björns motif)

tisdag 14 oktober 2014


Today, cityhuset (the city house), a shopping center in the city center.





Maria's (from this meeting and the last)

tisdag 7 oktober 2014

Autumn in Eskilstuna, Sweden

Autumn is fact. Rain. Cold. Grey.
Therefore, we went inside, this time to Gallerian (The Galleria), a shopping centre at the other side of town. Some of us stayed in the café while others went to the gym, close by.

Here are todays sketches!

Sven's! (from the gym)

Julia's (also from the gym)

Björn's sketch 


Action photo!

Thanks for visiting!
