About us

Urban Sketchers Eskilstuna är en samling glada människor
som gillar att teckna.
Tisdagar vid lunchtid (oftast) tecknar/målar/ritar vi någon plats i Eskilstuna. Sedan fikar vi.

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Best regards,
Eskilstuna Urban Sketchers

tisdag 24 september 2013

Even worse...

Yes, this tuesday the autumn was even worse than we did remember from last year. Is it always this windy and cold in late September? Probably. So why do people keep trying to survive here?
We suspect it all has to do with urban sketching? At least, this is true in the USK-ESK team.
We went inside, to a nearby café/shopping area.
(or stayed at home sketching from a window).

Here are today's sketches!
(And thanks for visiting)



Julia stayed at home with a cold and sketched from her window.

Lasse's sketch!

Sofia's sketch will arrive any minute now. Right, Sofia?


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