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Urban Sketchers Eskilstuna är en samling glada människor
som gillar att teckna.
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Eskilstuna Urban Sketchers

tisdag 9 juli 2013

The animal farm (Djurgården)

Sven's painting of the road to Djurgården, which translates approximately to "the animal farm". (To our knowledge, the place is tot related to George Orwell's classic novel)

Tuesday and still vacation! Well, it doesn´t make any difference for some of the urban sketchers in Eskilstuna. Of course, Sven and Björn met up at Djurgården (a park area just outside the city centre).
Where the heck are Lasse and the others?

Well, some photos of the area may be found down below.

Panoramic view of the Pilkrog restaurant and also the road from Sven's image (found above)

The artist (Sven) as himself.

Some of the old houses that have been moved here. Some of the are actually 15th century.

The midsummer pole is still there.

Björn's version of the Pilkrog restaurant

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