About us

Urban Sketchers Eskilstuna är en samling glada människor
som gillar att teckna.
Tisdagar vid lunchtid (oftast) tecknar/målar/ritar vi någon plats i Eskilstuna. Sedan fikar vi.

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Want to join us? Send an email to bjorn.fundberg@mdh.se to get more information!

Best regards,
Eskilstuna Urban Sketchers

tisdag 31 mars 2015

Café Bistro in Eskilstuna!

Today, we sat down in Café Bistro, just by our town square (Fristadstorget). We have been here earlier, when the town square was under re-construction.

Susanne Redebo, a journalist from one of our local newspapers joined us and we are looking forward to a reading an article about urban sketchers in a few weeks!

Here are today's results! (Sven is abroad and will hopefully mail us a sketch from Portugal!)

Björn's sketch


Vera's sketch!

Anna Fjaestad

Anna Fäldt

tisdag 24 mars 2015

Värjan in Eskilstuna

This time we (Vera, Julia R, Sven, Åsa, Anna Fäldt and Björn) went to Värjan, which is sort of a service center for the general public in Eskilstuna city.

Here are today's results!


Björn's sketch

comment: the patio (bw)

The patio in color. Some, at least.

Åsa's sketch

At the entrance to Värjan there is this giant pot.

Ceramic Pot 1000 liters.
The pot has been used in Eskilstuna Stålpressnings AB. The pots, which were purchased from Germany in the 1930s were used as containers for acid, which in turn was used for pickling steel. Deposition from Eskilstuna museums.

tisdag 17 mars 2015

SPORTHALLEN (the sports arena)

This tuesday we spend our lunch in our local sports arena (called Sporthallen).
(We were here about a year ago (March 4), feel free to check earlier in this blog.)
Here are today's results:



More images any time!

tisdag 10 mars 2015

Entrances and shop windows!

Tuesday, at last!
This USK-meeting we decided to sketch entrances and/or shop windows in the heart of Eskilstuna, Sweden.



Comment: this is a  m o b i l e phone shop!!! Nowadays, you can actually carry your phone with you! Or so the sales person told me. This is really good news!

Julia R's

Anna Fjaestad's

More sketches any time!

tisdag 3 mars 2015


Today, we went for sushi and sketching in one of our local Sushi restaurants.
By the way, all sketches contain soya and wasabi.
Two new members joined today, Anna and Julia. Welcome!

Here are today's dishes (fishes?)



Comment: very tasty! (Both to draw and to eat)

Annas Fjaestad's!