tisdag 19 mars 2013


TGTA! (Thank God, Tuesday Again!)

We stayed in the building this time because of the arctic winter outside (c.f The day after tomorrow or just about any movie with penguins).
Sven had yet another mission to Stockholm, and the rest of the USK-Eskilstuna were somewhere else. Not to worrry, Lasse and Björn completed today's sketching just close to our MUX-lab (our centre for usabilitity testing).

Lasses image.

Björn's version of some of our students

Björn's other image.

We had enough time to have a cup of coffee and do some more sketches of our students. Hopefully, they will forgive Björn for his rough versions of some of them. Please forgive him!

I suspect that more images will arrive shortly!


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