tisdag 27 augusti 2013

1 year anniversary!

Today was not just another USK-meeting – it was our anniversary (1 year)! Wow!
Of course, at this very special occasion we sketched on historical ground, the Rademacher area. (Photos will arrive shortly). Also, Lisa Hölne from a local newspaper joined us! An article about USK-ESKILSTUNA will be published any time :)




Åsas sketch!


måndag 19 augusti 2013

Monday at the church!

This tuesday it's a monday...
Yes, due to our really tight schedule this week, we moved our USK-meeting to monday.

As the weather was really great, we decided to stay sketching outside for yet another week.
We went to the nice parque outside Fors Kyrka (the Fors church).

To sum up, a perfect USK-afternoon with a nice fika afterwards at Café Kaka.
Everybody in USK-Esk are happy!

Sven's sketch...

and Lasse's...

And Björn's

The USK-ESK Propellerhead (Björn)

A piece of the Fors Church.

The whole area (Sven is found under the bridge in the center of the photo)



Thanks for visiting!


tisdag 13 augusti 2013


USK-tuesday in Eskilstuna!

Lasse, Sven and Björn went to the industrial area close by.

Here are the results!




Objects to sketch!

Sven and Lasse

Lasse and Björn


tisdag 6 augusti 2013

Vacation is over...

...a bit depressing, but still, we always have our tuesday moments of joy to look forward to!
This tuesday we went to the the really beautiful Munktell area just close to our work The weather was perfect (most of the time) and afterwards we had a fairly nice fika close by. Not perfect, but ok.

Thank you, Johan Theofron Munktell!
Read more about Munktell (swedish) here

Sven' sketch of the day!

Lasse's sketch!

Björn's sketch (from another angle)

Now, amuse yourselves by watching this videoclip from today's adventures.