tisdag 30 april 2013

Land of Bergman...

The weather is still lousy, we´ve tried to kick start our deep frozen souls by watching clips from old Ingmar Bergman movies on youtube. Unfortunately, this did not work.

Do you play chess?

Instead, we went to our city library once again to do some sketching.

Sven's image shows a girl studying and doing stretching at the same time. Girls are said to be able to several things at once. Obviously, this is true.

Björn had a hard time trying to keep the book worm out of his picture. He did not succeed. This reminded him a lot of this annoying bird (shown on christmas eve in Sweden, for some reason).

Lasse's image

tisdag 23 april 2013

The library

It was a bit stormy this tuesday and we ran for cover in the library of Mälardalens högskola (i.e Mälardalen university college). Lasse stayed in the entrance and Sven and Björn went to the reading rooms. Björn beeing a quiet person, of course went to the quiet room.

Sven's image. Note that Björn hides there in the background.

Björn's image. A student studies there at the right. Or, more likely, he is updating his face book page.

Lasse's image from the entrance of the library.

tisdag 16 april 2013

At work!

Today, we stayed inside. The weather is lousy at the moment...or quite frankly, the weather is always lousy....It became even more depressing, since Sven and Björn had bought "urban chairs" to be used during sunny urban-esk-meetings...

Urban chair....

However, Lasse, Sven and Björn decided to find different places and gather around a cup of coffee (and discuss our pieces of work) forty minutes later.
We stuck to our plan. Coffee was great, of course. So was the cake.

Today, Sven went wide screen!

Björn, on the other hand, did the opposite.

Lasses image from "krockplatsen"which translates to...eh..a place to crash?


tisdag 9 april 2013

A view from a cake!

Yes, we went to Café Kaka (which translates to Café Cake...or Café Bisquit), which has a new owner, but about the same coffee and cake = great. We sat by one of the windows.

This tuesday, only Sven and Björn were able to attend the USK-gathering. The spine of the USK-Eskilstuna group, according to themselves.

Hopefully, some of the other members will send in some images later on.

Sven's image of "Smörparken"(the butter park...yes, this is a strange little town.)

Björn's image of the ...well, we have no idea, but it is probably some sort of a sculpture.


tisdag 2 april 2013

Tuesday outside! Mälardalens university

This tuesday, we went outside, for the first time this season.
As always, we were short of time and went to a place close by – which happened to be part of Mälardalen University.

Sven and Lasse are using our most important tools when sketching: coffe and biscuits.

Our patio

At work!

Sven's image

Björn's image and a commet from the artist himself: actually I am a few centimeters taller than Sven, which explains my perspective. I have no comment about the world's largest drain pipe....how could Sven miss that???


And this one is from Roberto (from Italy).